تا به امروز تحصيل در سوئد براي تمام دانشجويان کشورهاي مختلف کاملا" مجاني بوده ولي چنانچه پيشنهاد وزير علوم سوئد از تصويب مجلس بگذرد از ژانويه سال 2010 دانشجويان کشورهاي غيراروپائي متاسفانه اجازه نخواهند داشت در دانشگاههاي سوئد مجاني تحصيل کننذ.
براي اطلاعات بيشتر و کمي تمرين زبان خارجکي اين متن را به انگليسي اينجا گذاشتم.
No longer free to study in Sweden
In February 2004, the then Education Minister Thomas Östros (s) a U-turn. Let colleges offer foreign students training in return for payment, he wrote in an acclaimed debate. - It is perfectly reasonable to remove the cost, so of course we are in health care, said Thomas Östros since he received his party with him on the requirement. Sweden is today one of the few countries in the world that do not charge for students from other countries. The Socialist government were investigating how a charging scheme could be designed, but it never got any bill from the Department of Education during the last mandate. Higher Education and Research Lars Leijonborg (Liberals) have so far fit into the controversial issue. Now he gives clear message: Government agrees to introduce study fees for non-European students. - I think it is absolutely right. Our main argument is that it is unwise for a country that does not avail themselves of the ability to pay, which obviously are. Why should these students pay money to American or British university, but not into English, asking Leijonborg. The number of foreign students in Sweden has risen sharply the past decade, shows the statistics of Higher Education. Today plugs about 8 000 people from countries outside the European Economic Area (EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) in the country's colleges and universities. The government's stated ambition is to "at least as many" young people to search here in the future - despite the fact that the courses will no longer be free. - Many can either get a scholarship from their home countries or have rich parents so that this can be financed anyway. Then it becomes a net addition to the Swedish state coffers of perhaps half a billion dollars. In any case, some of the money can be used to sharpen the quality of our university, "said Lars Leijonborg. But even overseas students who can not afford the termination fee should have the opportunity to study in English seats of learning, he stresses. Therefore, introduced a bursary scheme. - It is with the Sweden's interest that we will be able to attract talented young people, even if they can not arrange financing themselves. The fees should in principle be deleted from the higher cost ", according to a memo from the Department of Education. The previous government investigators outlined an average fee of 80 000 kronor per academic year. For Swedes and the EU / EEA nationals to education at colleges and universities continue to be free, stresses Lars Leijonborg. - There is an old tradition and based in Sweden, and we think it is right to stick to it. The proposal to study charges included in the bill on how the international exchange in higher education may increase, which the government presents in the autumn. The idea is that the system should be introduced as the first in January 2010. According Kåre Bremer, rector of the University of Stockholm, it is "not reasonable" to the Swedish tax payers to pay for the training of large groups of people from other countries. But he is still skeptical about the study charges. - Fees are expensive to administer and collect. It would be better to put a quota on how many foreign students universities may receive. Elin Rosenberg, chairman of the Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), is highly critical of the leader Lars Leijonborg's clearance. - It is sad that the government so easily wind eased detail on the principle that education is a right, not a commodity. Now open the floodgates, and soon we have fees for English students, "she says
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